Healthcare Information System is used by healthcare professional to find a way through which they can improve the healthcare system management, patient engagement, expenses and diagnosis.

Healthcare providers,  hospitals , laboratories and radiologists have various set of data that existing in different departments. This data is mostly unstructured & disaggregated

Cottonsoil Healthcare Tech Pvt. Ltd. is involved in building and delivering products, system, and solution within medical space. The company is actively identifying, solving and satisfying customer needs.

Cottonsoil Healthcare Tech Pvt. Ltd. is focusing on 4 functional outcomes:

      1.Clinical solution:

                                   Clinical seems to have a most important area in healthcare system. This is where focus is on the patient’s clinical outcomes. On the basis of clinical outcomes healthcare provide is trying to take the intense decisions for the betterment of the patient.

      2.Operational solution:

                                  Cottonsoil Healthcare facilitates transaction like appointment booking and management, search, Electronic Health Records (EHR)/EMR, practice management, sms & e-mail to patients, integrated Lab, pharmacy and radiology for smooth functioning of the hospitals & clinics.

      3.Financial solution:

                                   Cottonsoil Healthcare is also focusing on the financial outcomes of the hospitals and clinics such as provider wise daily, monthly & yearly collection, referral doctor collection, end of the revenue generation, department wise cash collection, cashpoint specific report, GST billing report

    4.Inventory solution:

                                 Inventory is the crucial part in the functioning of the hospitals , lab, pharmacy and radiology. It provides supplier wise stock purchase, invoice reports, purchase order, expiry management, stock management, HSN Code reports  

 Emerging healthcare:

After COVID19 pandemic,  among the all sector, the sector has emerged more significant is healthcare. Healthcare provider is facing variety of challenges. Cottonsoil Healthcare Tech Pvt. Ltd, will help to solve the challenges with its customized healthcare solution. We provide the custom made solution to address the all healthcare needs. We provide a platform that can handle all the data and at the same time doctor and staff can recall and review the information.

We help you to create custom solution according to your healthcare needs which help you to streamline all your processes.


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