Due to Covid19 pandemic, both health professionals and patients are being forced to adapt a digital platform telehealth. Many hospitals have seen the growth in telehealth visits. The short-term success of telehealth solution will likely turn into long-term solution to deliver care through telehealth and keep the patients safe.

Telehealth with EHR :

Electronic Health Records(EHR) containing telehealth system is more useful for the patient for the follow-up appointments sothat patients don’t have to go long distance to visit hospitals. Both health providers and patients have positive response to telehealth services. They can access their health related data from anywhere.

Reduction in readmission rate :

By using telehealth services in nursing home and hospitals, staff preparation time and patients travelling time have reduced. There is no need to make frequent visits to the hospital or clinics for clinical visits. Due to reduction in patients visit, there is reduction in readmission rate.

Revenue Flow :

Telehealth is one of the biggest revenue generation model for the hospitals and to keep their health provider busy in patient engagement.  In future, it will need more improvements.

Reimbursement to the patients :

In the earlier stages of telehealth, many patients online visit could not be conducted due to reimbursement regulation which required face to face communication. But relaxation in reimbursement regulation, health providers and patients are finding online visits to be positive and beneficial

New opportunity :

Telehealth is the new source of revenue generation for the hospitals and clinics. Government is also looking it on positive way to promote telehealth to all patients sothat the technology can be used for the well-being of  healthcare providers and patients.

Expansion in services :

Many hospitals and clinics are able to expand in different cities with different services . Physicians that travel to the rural areas are decreasing their travel and scheduling online appointments. Sabbtech.com provides telehealth platform to the health provider and to the patients which is easy to use and easily accessible from anywhere


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